
tem.fi  •  Rahoitus  •  Vetytalous

Government approves a clean transition scheme for industrial investment: €400 million earmarked for 2025

On 9 January 2025, the Government adopted a decree on the Clean Transition Programme for industrial...
yle.fi  •  Kaustisen seutu  •  Toholampi  •  Aurinkovoima

Planning for a solar power plant on a former peat production site in Toholampi is progressing

The municipal government has published the participation and assessment plan for the sub-planning...
sydansuomessa.fi  •  Sydänsuomessa  •  Viitasaari

Wiilo Logistics Centre offers strategic partnership services in Viitasaari, Central Finland

The Wiilo logistics centre is currently under construction at the junction of Valtatie 4 and...

Morning coffee: the story of the Arvo Investment Cooperative as an enabler of growth Wed 5.2. at 8:00 at KTK

Our guest this time is Jari Pirinen, CEO of Arvo Sijoitusosuuskunta. Jari will tell us the story of...
yle.fi  •  Aurinkovoima  •  Kaivosteollisuus

Funding for Pyhäsalmi's large electricity battery secured - State aid for pumped-storage power plant to be extended again

The Pyhäsalmi mining area is being developed into a new kind of energy hub. There is already a...
Yritykset  •  Tuulivoima

Offer your services to OX2's Halsua project - register your company with the Major Projects Office!

Yrittäjä! Huolehdithan että olet rekisteröitynyt suurhanketoimistoon ja tietosi ovat...
Kaustisen seutu  •  Tuulivoima  •  Aurinkovoima  •  Kaivosteollisuus  •  Bioenergia

Major projects in the Kaustinen region on a timeline

The timeline conveniently shows the major projects underway in the Kaustinen region in yellow....
Rahoitus  •  Vetytalous

New tax credit to boost major clean transition investments - Purra: "Up to billions invested in Finland"

The tax credit is granted at 20% of the eligible costs of the investment and is only available for...
tem.fi  •  Tuulivoima  •  Aurinkovoima  •  Kaivosteollisuus  •  Vetytalous

Workgroup proposes proposals for integrating growing electricity generation and consumption into high-voltage grids

Electricity production and demand are expected to grow strongly through clean transition projects,...
Rahoitus  •  Bioenergia

Auris Energia boosts Finland's clean transition with new funding

Auris Energia provides fuel and energy as a service in Finland. The company has just secured over...