

Hydrogen pipeline could replace 15 large power lines - Gasgrid's plan for a route along the coast is starting to be finalised

A pipeline of more than 1 000 km would contribute to the green shift. The timetable is ambitious,...
yle.fi  •  Aurinkovoima  •  Vetytalous

Solar panels are taking over fields - business developer: "The new use of fields is not taking away from animals"

­Suomeen on suunnitteilla aurinkovoimaloita, joiden teho olisi nykyiseen verrattuna yli...
Yritykset  •  Valmennukset

Morning coffee: leadership, challenges for growth companies and internationalization by Juha Enlund 29.10. at 8:00 a.m.

Welcome to morning coffee to listen to Juha Enlund either at Kansantaiteenkeskus in Kaustinen or...
Tuulivoima  •  Aurinkovoima  •  Vetytalous

Solar energy has huge growth potential in the Kaustinen region and Sydänsuomi

Together with wind power, solar power is boosting the emergence of a hydrogen economy in Finland....
yle.fi  •  Kaustisen seutu  •  Aurinkovoima

New use for Toholampi peat production areas: solar power plant planned

The wind and energy company Energiequelle is planning a solar power project in Toholampi. The site,...
Tuulivoima  •  Aurinkovoima  •  Vetytalous  •  Bioenergia

Invest in Europe's most promising hydrogen ecosystem

Thousands of hectares of ecologically sustainable production areas, large electricity transmission...
suomenuusiutuvat.fi  •  Tuulivoima  •  Aurinkovoima

Finnish Renewables Chairman Heikki Peltomaa: Finland the most interesting investment destination for renewable energy in Europe

In the current situation, we must recognise that wind and solar power are the number one driver of...
Hycamite.com  •  Vetytalous

Hycamite opens Europe’s largest methane-splitting plant for low-carbon hydrogen production

Today, Hycamite TCD Technologies, a leader in emissions-free methane-splitting technology, opens...
Tuulivoima  •  Aurinkovoima  •  Vetytalous  •  Bioenergia

Excellent location for energy storage, hydrogen production and electricity processing

The Liedes and Pajuoja area on the border of Halsua, Kaustinen and Veteli is proving to be a very...
kauppalehti.fi  •  Lestijärvi

Lestijärvi "lottery win" supports wind power - Association warns against touching property tax

The Renewable Energy Association is urging the government to remove the dual appeal process on...