
Tuulivoima  •  Aurinkovoima  •  Vetytalous

A vision for a successful energy future for Finland

Zero economic growth and the financial crisis of the welfare society. Unfortunately, this is a...
Lestijärvi  •  Tuulivoima

Transport of Finland's largest wind farm project starts on 15 May - power plant components will be moved from Kokkola to Lestijärvi until early next year

The transport of turbines for the Lestijärvi wind farm, which is being built by the renewable...
Kaustisen seutu  •  Yleinen  •  Yritykset

Commercial, warehouse and industrial premises in the Kaustinen sub-region

You can find vacant commercial, warehouse and industrial premises in the Kaustinen sub-region...
Yleinen  •  Yritykset

Requests for quotes, accommodation services and business search now without logging in!

We have also added two new service categories for business searches, "Hardware, tools and spare...

New Sydänsuomessa website launched

The new Sydänsuomessa website tells the story of seven rural municipalities in north central...

Sydänsuomessa Region recruitment fair in Kannonkoski Piispala 17.4.24

Suurhanketoimisto.fi at the recruitment fair: Welcome to the joint recruitment fair of Kannonkoski,...
Lestijärvi  •  Tuulivoima

Information session on wind turbine transport in the Lestijärvi wind farm

OX2 will organise an information session open to all on the Lestijärvi wind farm, which will start...
Tuulivoima  •  Kaivosteollisuus

Accommodation services on suurhanketoimisto.fi - over 700 beds available in the Kaustinen sub-region and Lestijärvi!

Due to Keliber's and OX2's projects in Lestijärvi, there will be a strong demand for accommodation...
Kaustisen seutu  •  Yritykset

Kysely alueellisista vetovoimatekijöistä yrityksille

Kaustisen seutukunta, Centria-ammattikorkeakoulu ja Kansanmusiikki-instituutti toteuttavat yhteisen...
Yleinen  •  Yritykset

Call for tenders for companies operating in the Kaustinen sub-region and Sydänsuomi area

Are you looking for a subcontractor for projects starting in our region? Suurhanketoimisto.fi...