
sydansuomessa.fi  •  Tuulivoima  •  Aurinkovoima

WindSoLab, a modern centre of excellence and learning environment for renewable energy production, has been completed in Poke

Poke, a vocational college in North Central Finland, is in the process of building a 2.5-year...
Tuulivoima  •  Aurinkovoima  •  Vetytalous  •  Bioenergia

The Clean Energy Corridor offers a historic opportunity to develop and renew the regional economy

Industrial investments on the West Coast create a transnational development perspective for the...
Yritykset  •  Tuulivoima

Offer your services to OX2's Halsua project - register your company with the Major Projects Office!

Yrittäjä! Huolehdithan että olet rekisteröitynyt suurhanketoimistoon ja tietosi ovat...
Kaustisen seutu  •  Tuulivoima  •  Aurinkovoima  •  Kaivosteollisuus  •  Bioenergia

Major projects in the Kaustinen region on a timeline

The timeline conveniently shows the major projects underway in the Kaustinen region in yellow....
tem.fi  •  Tuulivoima  •  Aurinkovoima  •  Kaivosteollisuus  •  Vetytalous

Workgroup proposes proposals for integrating growing electricity generation and consumption into high-voltage grids

Electricity production and demand are expected to grow strongly through clean transition projects,...
Tuulivoima  •  Aurinkovoima  •  Kaivosteollisuus

Project company Arctial launches preliminary study - aiming for low-carbon aluminium production in the Kruunuport area

Leading industrial, energy and climate technology companies Rio Tinto, Mitsubishi Corporation,...

Action Port - Port of Kokkola Publication 3/2024: Wind turbine logistics with clockwork precision

The Port of Kokkola is in the middle of a major wind power logistics project.During the almost...
Tuulivoima  •  Aurinkovoima  •  Vetytalous

Solar energy has huge growth potential in the Kaustinen region and Sydänsuomi

Together with wind power, solar power is boosting the emergence of a hydrogen economy in Finland....
Tuulivoima  •  Aurinkovoima  •  Vetytalous  •  Bioenergia

Invest in Europe's most promising hydrogen ecosystem

Thousands of hectares of ecologically sustainable production areas, large electricity transmission...
suomenuusiutuvat.fi  •  Tuulivoima  •  Aurinkovoima

Finnish Renewables Chairman Heikki Peltomaa: Finland the most interesting investment destination for renewable energy in Europe

In the current situation, we must recognise that wind and solar power are the number one driver of...