Metal work
Filtered companies
Name Services
EL-Point Oy Services Metal work Process equipment installations Process electrification Electrical and telecommunications work Electrical work permit Subscriber responsibility / reliable partner Fire work card Occupational Safety card
Hitsaus ja rakennuspalvelu Syrjälä Oy Services Ancillary works Service and repair IV and Plumbing Metal work Construction work Subscriber responsibility / reliable partner Fire work card Occupational Safety card Accommodation services
Huoltopalvelu J.Harju Oy Services Service and repair Metal work Electrical and telecommunications work Subscriber responsibility / reliable partner Fire work card Occupational Safety card
J.KALLIOKOSKI OY Services Staffing Service and repair Metal work Entertainment Fire work card Occupational Safety card Accommodation services
Ka-Mu Oy Services Metal work Other services Design Production activities ISO 14001 ISO 9001 Subscriber responsibility / reliable partner
Kartano Wiitatupa Oy Services Accommodation services Ancillary works Meeting facilities and services Metal work Construction work Subscriber responsibility / reliable partner Fire work card Occupational Safety card
Kinnulan Konekulma Oy Services Ancillary works Service and repair Logistics and withdrawals Civil engineering Metal work Cleaning and waste management Subscriber responsibility / reliable partner Fire work card Accommodation services
Konepaja känsäkoski Services Ancillary works Staffing Service and repair Metal work Fire work card Occupational Safety card
Konepalvelu Niinikoski Oy Services Ancillary works Civil engineering Metal work Subscriber responsibility / reliable partner Fire work card Occupational Safety card
Kp.Koneurkointia oy Services Metal work Subscriber responsibility / reliable partner Occupational Safety card
Kuljetus ja Maansiirto Toivola Oy Services Ancillary works Service and repair Logistics and withdrawals Civil engineering Metal work Construction work Cleaning and waste management Subscriber responsibility / reliable partner Fire work card Occupational Safety card Construction site and social facilities Accommodation services
Lakome Oy Services Consulting Metal work Other services Process automation Process equipment installations Process electrification Design Electrical work permit Subscriber responsibility / reliable partner Fire work card Occupational Safety card
Leiko oy Services Service and repair Metal work Production activities Fire work card
LVI-Klemola Oy Services IV and Plumbing Consulting Metal work Subscriber responsibility / reliable partner Fire work card Occupational Safety card
Metalli Järvelä Oy Services Ancillary works Service and repair Metal work Process equipment installations Subscriber responsibility / reliable partner Fire work card Occupational Safety card Accommodation services
MTY Isopellinen Services Ancillary works Staffing Civil engineering Metal work Subscriber responsibility / reliable partner Fire work card Occupational Safety card
Peitsa Kauppinen Services Ancillary works Service and repair Consulting Civil engineering Accommodation services Metal work Fire work card Occupational Safety card
Peltisepänliike Pöyhönen Ky Services Ancillary works Metal work Construction work Subscriber responsibility / reliable partner Occupational Safety card
Pihtiputaan Lämpötyö Oy Services IV and Plumbing Civil engineering Metal work Subscriber responsibility / reliable partner Fire work card Occupational Safety card
Pohjanmaan Raskasvaruste Oy Services Consulting Logistics and withdrawals Material manufacturers Metal work Subscriber responsibility / reliable partner Fire work card Occupational Safety card Investment projects Production activities Ancillary works Service and repair Hardware, tools and spare parts
RJ.Laurila Services Ancillary works Service and repair IV and Plumbing Material manufacturers Metal work Process automation Process equipment installations Design
Sillankorva Toholampi Services Ancillary works Service and repair IV and Plumbing Metal work Construction work Nutrition services Construction site and social facilities Entertainment Fire work card Occupational Safety card
T:mi Oskari Känsälä Services Service and repair Metal work Fire work card
Tmi Ari Syrjälä Services Ancillary works Staffing Service and repair Civil engineering Accommodation services Material manufacturers Metal work Construction work Cleaning and waste management Construction site and social facilities Entertainment Subscriber responsibility / reliable partner Fire work card Occupational Safety card
Tmi Jyri Kellosalo Services Ancillary works Service and repair Metal work Fire work card Occupational Safety card
Tmi Otto Vihikangas - Huolto- ja traktorityöt Services Service and repair Logistics and withdrawals Civil engineering Metal work Construction work Fire work card Occupational Safety card
TuomiTurve & Kone Oy Services Service and repair Civil engineering Accommodation services Metal work Electrical and telecommunications work Subscriber responsibility / reliable partner Fire work card Occupational Safety card
Voitelujärjestelmät T. Salo Oy Services Service and repair IV and Plumbing Metal work Process equipment installations Site supervision tasks Subscriber responsibility / reliable partner Fire work card Occupational Safety card
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