Suomen kotihoitotekniikka Oy
Suomen kotihoitotekniikka Oy
Company website
Company turnover
0 - 100 000 e
Number of staff
1 - 5
Contact persons
Mika Paananen
Location of the company
Street address
Pajatie 2
Post number
Post office
Extra company information
Description of the company

Correct and safe use of equipment is essential in many situations. Traditional user manuals are not often available when working in the field and regular online instructions can easily be hacked.

Our solution enables interactive user manuals and instructional video calls securely. All confidential material is encrypted and available on users' mobile phones - online and offline.

Mumo is used by the leading heathcare device manufacturers in several university hospitals in Finland and other Nordic countries. Our solution is suitable for any use case where correct usage of any device or following a spesific procedure is critically important.