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The Liedes and Pajuoja area on the border of Halsua, Kaustinen and Veteli is proving to be a very potential area for the production of electricity-based products and energy storage.

The growing importance of electricity processing

Several renewable energy project developers have already adapted their strategy. It is no longer just about developing wind power. In 2022, solar power came in strongly in Finland, and in 2023 we started to hear more and more news about investments in energy storage. In 2024, the news about energy storage capacity will already be in the hundreds of megawatt hours.

While the electrification of many processes is a prerequisite for reducing the carbon footprint, renewable energy production may no longer be limited to electricity. Green and cheap electricity can be used to produce hydrogen. Side streams include heat, carbon dioxide and ammonia - and if a biogas plant is involved, nutrients and biofuels. Hydrogen can also act as a storage medium, although currently most storage investments are electric batteries.

When considering where to process electricity, a grid and nearby renewable electricity generation are basic requirements. Nearby carbon dioxide and fresh water are a nice bonus. Other side streams and their uses improve the situation even further.

The Liedes and Pajuoja area on the border of Halsua, Kaustinen and Veteli

A dense area of about 25 square kilometres offers a significant amount of future potential for electricity processing. There is clean water, wind and solar power, a power line and substation, and a scheme that already takes into account the industrial use of the environment. With Finland's largest biogas plant and Europe's largest lithium mine still a short distance away, the conditions for cooperation are excellent. Contact us to find out more!

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